3 Ways To Save Money When Purchasing Auto Insurance For Your Child

Depending on the state that you reside in, your child will be eligible for getting their full driver's license by the time that they reach the ages between 16 to 21. Once your child has received their full driver's license, you might feel more inclined to give them more access to the family car. In fact, you might even encourage them to drive themselves around town in order to free up some time in your schedule.

New Car Owner? 2 Types of Auto Insurance Explained

If you are a teen and have recently passed your driving test, then you may be ready to start looking at vehicles to purchase. This also means that you will need to buy auto insurance to cover yourself and others in the case of an accident. Auto insurance policies can be quite confusing, especially if you are looking at one for the first time. You may expect to see basic collision and liability coverage, but there are several other types of coverage you will need to pay for as well.

Stop That Rate Hike: How To Save Money When Insuring Teen Drivers

If someone in your household has recently reached that major milestone of becoming a licensed driver, congratulations and sympathies may be in order. While it's a proud moment for any parent, it's also time for a possible auto insurance rate hike. You can take a couple of simple steps, however, to reduce those increased rates, so read on to learn more about saving money on car insurance for teens. 1. Snoop on your teen.

What To Do When Your Auto Insurance Rates Are Higher Because Of Moving Violations

Auto insurance rates can go up and down for a variety of reasons. However, you might be worried if your premium has risen because of moving violations like speeding tickets; you might not think there is anything you can do. Fortunately, the following actions may be just what you need to lower your auto insurance costs. Drive Less One of the first things to do when your insurance costs climb is to start driving less.