What To Do When Your Auto Insurance Rates Are Higher Because Of Moving Violations
Auto insurance rates can go up and down for a variety of reasons. However, you might be worried if your premium has risen because of moving violations like speeding tickets; you might not think there is anything you can do. Fortunately, the following actions may be just what you need to lower your auto insurance costs.
Drive Less
One of the first things to do when your insurance costs climb is to start driving less. Insurance companies arrive at your insurance rates by considering a number of things about you, including the frequency of your driving. If you drive a lot each day, there may be an increased chance that you'll get tickets for moving violations or get into an automobile accident. If you aren't driving very much, you don't have as high an opportunity to have any insurance-related issues.
That's why it's a good idea to look for other ways to get around. You might, for instance, come to an agreement with co-workers to share driving responsibilities each day. You might just leave your car at home and take the train to your job. Then, notify your auto insurance company about the changes you've made. You might very well have your premium reduced.
Head to Driving School
If you can show your auto insurance carrier that you are learning to be a safer driver, you may start paying lower insurance costs. A way to prove you're making an effort to be a safe driver is to head to the nearest driving school and take a class or two. You may take a course in defensive driving or you might take a night driving course. These courses can then be used to have your insurance costs reduced.
In addition to lowering insurance costs, you may also want to ask your local court or police department which specific classes will enable you to be rid of points you have gotten on your license because of moving violations.
Ask About Telematics Devices
One modern way to prove that you are driving safely and deserve lower insurance rates is to have a telematics device put into your vehicle. Plugged into your car's diagnostic port, such a device can track mileage, hard stops, excessive speeds and other information about your driving. The information on the device is transmitted to your auto insurance carrier wirelessly. Because your insurance company has verifiable facts about the way you drive, you might be able to bring your insurance costs down.
If you start taking action with the tips above, you may soon see your auto insurance costs come down again. Talk to your local insurance agency, such as Hamsher Insurance, for more suggestions and to find reasonable policies that may be appropriate for you.