Tips for Getting Affordable Car Insurance After a DUI
You probably wish you could go back and change the past after getting a DUI, as a DUI can lead to criminal charges, problems with your driver's license, and so much more. Additionally, getting a DUI can also make it harder to get affordable car insurance. If you are looking for insurance after a DUI, here are some tips that may help you do this.
1. Find Out if You Need SR-22
A DUI on your record instantly makes you a high-risk driver, and many states will require SR-22 coverage after a DUI takes place. In fact, anyone who is a high-risk driver might need SR-22 coverage, but it is more common for people who experience a DUI. SR-22 coverage is a document an insurance company issues to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles to let them know that a person has auto coverage. It will cost more to get a policy with SR-22 coverage, and if you need it, you will have to get it to keep driving.
2. Call Around to Find a Company that Offers SR-22
The next thing you will want to do is call around to several insurance companies to find one that offers SR-22 if you need it. If you do not need it, you can still call around for quotes. SR-22 insurance coverage is not something that every single company provides, but many companies do.
3. Increase Your Deductible and Decrease Your Coverage Limits
When you find a company that will insure you, you might be able to reduce the costs of your policy by doing two things. The first is raising the deductible on your policy to a higher amount. This should instantly save you a little money. Secondly, you could decrease your coverage limits. If you do this, just make sure you have enough coverage to meet your state's minimum coverage laws.
4. Aim to Avoid All Further Driving Violations
The other thing to do is aiming to avoid all further driving violations. Getting additional driving violations could put you at risk of losing your insurance coverage or your driving privileges. Additionally, getting another violation will likely cause your auto insurance rates to increase even more, so you should try your best to follow all traffic laws.
You can find car insurance after a DUI; however, it will probably cost more. To get a quote, consider contacting a local insurance agency today.